Gil Walker:
rock colonists
Gil Walker:
ancient lands
Gil Walker:
riding the wave
Gil Walker:
beneath the Tipuana
Gil Walker:
pampas living wall
Gil Walker:
solitary seagull sunrise
Gil Walker:
rear ended
Gil Walker:
autumn tones
Gil Walker:
standing on edge
Gil Walker:
light and shade
Gil Walker:
laid to rest
Gil Walker:
sleeping relic
Gil Walker:
lightly torn
Gil Walker:
rift valley
Gil Walker:
buried footsteps
Gil Walker:
like a rolling stone
Gil Walker:
between waves
Gil Walker:
rock study
Gil Walker:
rock pool
Gil Walker:
shuffled and stacked
Gil Walker:
still life with aloe
Gil Walker:
foam spattered
Gil Walker:
pebble dashed
Gil Walker:
Gil Walker:
Gil Walker:
from my veranda
Gil Walker:
foot prints
Gil Walker:
Gil Walker:
Gil Walker: