instaSHINOBI: Fast breakfast before #BlizzCon day 2
instaSHINOBI: Glenn / Vaemyr / @gbatuyong before #BlizzCon day 2
instaSHINOBI: Kim / Kelina posing before BlizzCon day 2
instaSHINOBI: Our room is up there... Right under the "M" in Marriott
instaSHINOBI: Kelina and Vaemyr reporting live from the Day 2 entrance line for BlizzCon
instaSHINOBI: First TENTH of the #BlizzCon line facing back, day 2
instaSHINOBI: Now that we're inside the BlizzCon hall, ANOTHER line to get in the door
instaSHINOBI: Just gimme some TACOS!
instaSHINOBI: Trio of baby murlocs chillin' on satin sheets #BlizzCon #Warcraft
instaSHINOBI: LOL! BlizzCon is full of noobs who only say "LOL"
instaSHINOBI: Vaemyr surrounded by costumed pretties
instaSHINOBI: SK Gaming (USA) vs. x6tence (Spain)
instaSHINOBI: SK Gaming (USA) vs. x6tence (Spain)
instaSHINOBI: SK Gaming (USA) vs. x6tence (Spain)
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp at the realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp at the realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: DOZENS of Bloodscalp players at the BlizzCon realm meetup!!
instaSHINOBI: World of Warcraft class discussion panel was packed to the limit
instaSHINOBI: Upper Deck artist hand-sculpting a miniature