geps n bex: Caving Light Painting
geps n bex: embrace
geps n bex: Fire dancing!
geps n bex: full circle
geps n bex: burning ring of fire
geps n bex: IMGP0869.JPG
geps n bex: playing with fire
geps n bex: Gabriel
geps n bex: fire dance
geps n bex: Dinner at Arenabyss
geps n bex: IMGP0338.JPG
geps n bex: Gelantipy Hall
geps n bex: Wilsons Cave
geps n bex: IMGP1299.JPG
geps n bex: the letterbox
geps n bex: Cave wall light play
geps n bex: Caving 1
geps n bex: Caving 3
geps n bex: Caving Group SHot
geps n bex: outdoor rec caving trip
geps n bex: caving buchan
geps n bex: caving trip
geps n bex: Its whats inside that counts
geps n bex: fire in the hand
geps n bex: Ghosts