geps n bex: lynton
geps n bex: Kayak School NZ
geps n bex: Rafting last year
geps n bex: Surf rafting ?
geps n bex: Jackson's Crossing
geps n bex: The Snowy Gorge
geps n bex: Snowy Valley
geps n bex: Guttamar Snowy River
geps n bex: Eco tour canoe group
geps n bex: My River
geps n bex: Lower Snowy Reflection
geps n bex: Drifting
geps n bex: IMG_0038.JPG
geps n bex: IMG_0037.JPG
geps n bex: Peter
geps n bex: The Pinch Gorge
geps n bex: IMGP0205.JPG
geps n bex: Gary in the Pool
geps n bex: IMGP4098.JPG
geps n bex: rafting on the snowy.JPG
geps n bex: IMGP0204.JPG
geps n bex: Rafting on the snowy 2.JPG
geps n bex: Rafting on the snowy 3.JPG
geps n bex: Top of the gorge above George's Mistake
geps n bex: Nigel Hodge Bett's Creek
geps n bex: Blue raft and flying Bluey