@glenda: The Automattic Ranch
@glenda: And they've been sitting there for 4 hours straight
@glenda: The light and dark sides of the force
@glenda: Someone's stomach is grumbling and needs brisket, stat!
@glenda: Eh, what's that?
@glenda: Matt likes the sausage
@glenda: That's how hot the hottie is.
@glenda: Matt showing Andy his "blub blub blub" face; Andy is mildly amused
@glenda: Andy closes out the BBQ joint
@glenda: And other witty anecdotes that include your mother at 90 degrees in the nighttime
@glenda: What once was is now no more
@glenda: This bottle has to go in my luggage
@glenda: What rhymes with indie rock
@glenda: Clean-up Crew
@glenda: Andy emulates his stomach
@glenda: Eat at Rudy's
@glenda: Mullenwegs