@glenda: Ryan got up really early
@glenda: It looks all businesslike but that's his sister he's talking to
@glenda: Crackberry
@glenda: My "Mary Poppins" Bag
@glenda: In Houston
@glenda: IAH
@glenda: Stars of Houston
@glenda: IAH > AUS
@glenda: That is one big... Ford Expedition.
@glenda: Automattic Field Trip to Wal-Mart
@glenda: The Automattic Crew loves 'em some BBQ!
@glenda: The "Automattic Ranch" Conference Table
@glenda: Where Andy is when Andy makes things go!
@glenda: Messina
@glenda: Tannnnnnnnteeeeekkkkk
@glenda: Ryan and Ryan
@glenda: Tara and Scott
@glenda: The Ryans
@glenda: IAH, but the plane goes to LGA
@glenda: Matty reminds me...