GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: Out my front door early this am... 8, not so early but I was up till 1 shoveling.
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: Walk up the road... pretty evergreens hanging over fence
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: Corner with large mounds of snow
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: Notice the tall trees... this is what freaks me out when there is a bad wind, snow storm!
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: Skies were so blue today at Morgan's park
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: Hmmm have a seat on the bench or the snow
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: Clouds leaving at the end of the storm
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!: colorful sky and limbs with snow