GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Empty Clam Shell
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
pretty clamdigger
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
clamdigger running
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
clamdigger reflection
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Clamdigger digging
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
bird prints
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Flying Oystercathcers
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Oysterchatcher coming in for a landing
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Pretty Oystercatcher
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Oystercatcher so pretty
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Oystercatcher hanging out by the piping plovers nests
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
male mallard
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
female mallard
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Pretty blue bird
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
red winged black bird
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett St Pk
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Barns at Caumsett St Pk
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Japanese Maples OWG
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Phipps House OWG
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Gorgeous Japanese Maple
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Well balanced
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Coe Hall Planting Fields
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Viewing from behind the Japanese Maple
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
pink cottage