GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
View from the side of OWG
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Lilies in the lily pond
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Summer bloom
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
reflection of a lily
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
colors of blooms
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
reflections in a lily pond
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Thatched cottage
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
fushia flower
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
layers of colors
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Lily pond reflections
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
statue through trees
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
What a porch