GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP it's a long trek down
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Llyod Harbor sun getting ready to set
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP horse having a bit to eat
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
On the road
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP pond on the sound
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP horses home
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP mansion
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP flirting horses
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP mansion side view
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP are the birds flying south or what
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP trainer showing off the horse
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP made there way down
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP horses have an awesome place
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP Barn
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP cow barn 2
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP horse
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP beautiful show horse
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Seminary in Llyod Harbor
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP care takers house
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP grounds
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP cow barn
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Caumsett SP horses
GlenCoverNY - Waiting for colors to start popping!:
Geese take over every where