GlenCooper: Amanda
GlenCooper: CIMG0015
GlenCooper: CIMG0016
GlenCooper: CIMG0026
GlenCooper: Amanda at the Baltimore aquarium
GlenCooper: Shot 1 of 3 on a timer
GlenCooper: Shot 2 of 3 on a timer
GlenCooper: Shot 3 of 3 on a timer
GlenCooper: Sandy and Amanda at Brian and Sue's wedding
GlenCooper: Amanda at Thatcher State Park
GlenCooper: Amanda and Glen at Thatcher State Park
GlenCooper: Glen and Amanda in NY
GlenCooper: Amanda and Glen at Thatcher State Park
GlenCooper: Amanda at Thatcher State Park
GlenCooper: Amanda at Thatcher State Park
GlenCooper: Amanda at Thatcher State Park
GlenCooper: Amanda
GlenCooper: George and Amanda
GlenCooper: Amanda
GlenCooper: BBQ at Klaus's house
GlenCooper: Amanda
GlenCooper: The Reston Party Crew
GlenCooper: George and Amanda
GlenCooper: George and Amanda
GlenCooper: George and Amanda
GlenCooper: George and Amanda
GlenCooper: Amanda
GlenCooper: Amanda and Glen
GlenCooper: Amanda, Ian and Chloe
GlenCooper: Amanda and the twins