glencharnoch: rothiemurchus camp site - our tent
glencharnoch: Peter lines up a shot
glencharnoch: peter clay pigeon shooting
glencharnoch: rothiemurchus forest
glencharnoch: Peter the young pioneer
glencharnoch: rothiemurchus forest flora
glencharnoch: rothiemurchus forest mystery guest 1
glencharnoch: the running man
glencharnoch: rothiemurchus forest mystery guest 2
glencharnoch: rothiemurchus forest mystery guest 3
glencharnoch: that's not what i meant when i said camp!
glencharnoch: rothiemurchus lichen variety
glencharnoch: monkey man
glencharnoch: pete in a tree
glencharnoch: tree hugger
glencharnoch: peter talking to one of the local residents of Carrbridge
glencharnoch: Carrbridge bridge
glencharnoch: evening reading in the lounge
glencharnoch: breakfast
glencharnoch: say cheese
glencharnoch: can you see bambi?
glencharnoch: oh deer
glencharnoch: splash down1
glencharnoch: splash down2
glencharnoch: splash down3
glencharnoch: splash down 4
glencharnoch: splash down 5
glencharnoch: quad bike dude