Glen Bledsoe: Renfield Giuliani
Glen Bledsoe: The Art of the Deal
Glen Bledsoe: "We must return to Trump Tower before sunrise!"
Glen Bledsoe: The Nightmare
Glen Bledsoe: Emperor of the Dystopia Formerly Known As America
Glen Bledsoe: Pickman's Model
Glen Bledsoe: "By gad, sir, I like a banker who knows to how pillage an economy."
Glen Bledsoe: Dark Lord Darth Donald
Glen Bledsoe: The Clown Prince of Politics
Glen Bledsoe: Trumpula Has Risen!
Glen Bledsoe: Monster-in-Chief
Glen Bledsoe: "This is not a party hat, boys and girls."
Glen Bledsoe: Robo-CEO/Secretary of Labor Andy "Putz" Puzder
Glen Bledsoe: Clown of the Year
Glen Bledsoe: The Inagural Coiffure
Glen Bledsoe: "It's ridiculous to think that the Russians interfered with the election," The Trump said, and Putin didn’t even move his lips!
Glen Bledsoe: Pop Goes the Putin
Glen Bledsoe: Trumpoccio, Man of Spite
Glen Bledsoe: The Grand Old Putin
Glen Bledsoe: Trumpty Dumpty
Glen Bledsoe: Inaugral Entertainment
Glen Bledsoe: The King in Yellow
Glen Bledsoe: Out of His Mind
Glen Bledsoe: Making America Great Big!!!
Glen Bledsoe: American Covfefe
Glen Bledsoe: The Unmasking of the Phantom of the White House
Glen Bledsoe: Emperor Trump in All His Glory Crowns Himself
Glen Bledsoe: MAGGOT
Glen Bledsoe: Never Tease a Bomb With a Match
Glen Bledsoe: In touch with his feminine side