Glastra: A grumpy little Finnish fox is coming to live in Casa Glastra
Glastra: Lilian Arwell Tattle Tale
Glastra: Lilian Arrives
Glastra: I don't get the feeling she comes in peace
Glastra: Lalala I'm not listenin!
Glastra: I can't HEAR youuuu!
Glastra: Yer gonna pay for this...
Glastra: Oh Lils you look so sweet!
Glastra: Lilian spamage
Glastra: Boooored
Glastra: You genuinely enjoy this nonsense?
Glastra: Addicted to this sourpuss
Glastra: Now this is more my speed
Glastra: Perhaps I won't kill you after all
Glastra: Yeah We're Done Here...
Glastra: WOAH
Glastra: My Kick Ass new Pulls!
Glastra: Lilian Arwell Crabby Pants
Glastra: Lilian Arwell Tale #376
Glastra: You promised...
Glastra: What does it MEAAAANNN?!
Glastra: Bang Bang You're Dead...
Glastra: I saw sparks
Glastra: Don't Do It
Glastra: Three little troublemakers
Glastra: Stop staring at me!
Glastra: Sassyton McScissorPants
Glastra: Think spring is coming soon?
Glastra: Hey Lils, Wanna watch GHI with me tonight?
Glastra: Stop watching me...