The Glass Eye: Travelling Light
The Glass Eye: Aberdeen
The Glass Eye: The Captain
The Glass Eye: Martin, Darth Maul & Woody
The Glass Eye: Avenue of the Elephants
The Glass Eye: Tiger Wok
The Glass Eye: Lille Eurostar Metro 1
The Glass Eye: Lille Eurostar Metro 2
The Glass Eye: Lille Eurostar Metro 3
The Glass Eye: Selfridges Window 1
The Glass Eye: Selfridges Window 2
The Glass Eye: Selfridges Window 3
The Glass Eye: Selfridges Window 4
The Glass Eye: Selfridges Window 5
The Glass Eye: Selfridges Window 6
The Glass Eye: Selfridges Window 7
The Glass Eye: Bracelet & Watch
The Glass Eye: Acscent
The Glass Eye: Ministry Of Truth
The Glass Eye: Day Of The Dead 1
The Glass Eye: Day Of The Dead 2
The Glass Eye: Medication 1
The Glass Eye: Medication 2
The Glass Eye: Mummy, mummy, mummy!
The Glass Eye: Cliché
The Glass Eye: British Library Quad 1