Men and women in traditional dress perform the Fa'ataupati or 'slap dance' to welcome the Queen's Baton Relay in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on the baton's journey through 70 Commonwealth nations
Day 45 of The Glasgow 2014 Queen's Baton Relay in Samoa
Day 45 of The Glasgow 2014 Queen's Baton Relay in Samoa
A man in traditional dress announces the arrival of the Queen's Baton by blowing a sea-shell horn during the Fa'ataupati performance to welcome the Queen's Baton in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on
Men in traditional dress play instruments during a performance of the Fa'ataupati or 'slap dance' to welcome the Queen's Baton Relay in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on the baton's journey through
Men and women in traditional dress perform the Fa'ataupati or 'slap dance' to welcome the Queen's Baton Relay in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on the baton's journey through 70 Commonwealth nations
Men in traditional dress perform the Fa'ataupati or 'slap dance' to welcome the Queen's Baton Relay in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on the baton's journey through 70 Commonwealth nations and terri
Men and women in traditional dress perform the Fa'ataupati or 'slap dance' to welcome the Queen's Baton Relay in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on the baton's journey through 70 Commonwealth nations
A man in traditional dress performs the Fa'ataupati or 'slap dance' to welcome the Queen's Baton Relay in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on the baton's journey through 70 Commonwealth nations and te
Men and women in traditional dress perform the Fa'ataupati or 'slap dance' to welcome the Queen's Baton Relay in Apia, Samoa on Thursday 22 November 2013. Samoa is the fourteenth country to be visited on the baton's journey through 70 Commonwealth nations