Beatrice L. Boghian: questioning thoughts
Beatrice L. Boghian: mischievous girl
Beatrice L. Boghian: smiling in the sun
Beatrice L. Boghian: temporary insanity
Beatrice L. Boghian: new romantic
Beatrice L. Boghian: noaptea in ochii ei
Beatrice L. Boghian: Such great heights
Beatrice L. Boghian: and so it is...
Beatrice L. Boghian: my one and only you
Beatrice L. Boghian: When angry, count to four. When very angry, swear.
Beatrice L. Boghian: A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time
Beatrice L. Boghian: embrace change. face it with a smile