glamourfae: Almost near my heaviest
glamourfae: Before
glamourfae: One month later
glamourfae: November 26th - Week Four
glamourfae: Push ups and weights are helping
glamourfae: Old jeans are new again!
glamourfae: Playing dress up at Cody's
glamourfae: Janaury 20th
glamourfae: New workout outfit
glamourfae: I got a new dress!
glamourfae: Black is slimming!
glamourfae: Success is...
glamourfae: Feb 10, 2012
glamourfae: 30 lbs down
glamourfae: This is how I feel about lifting
glamourfae: I liked my outfit!
glamourfae: It's warm enough in GA to wear a tank top!
glamourfae: 35lbs down - 20lbs to go.
glamourfae: 6 Months later
glamourfae: My favorite snack
glamourfae: Breakfast under 300 calories. Nom!
glamourfae: Stuffed chicken and veggie packed salad w/ yogurt dressing!
glamourfae: Dinner - stuffed salmon and green beans and red wine
glamourfae: Tandoori chicken wraps for lunch. Nom!
glamourfae: Dinner at Roberts!
glamourfae: That's how many clothes I just got rid of bc they are too big.
glamourfae: My typical breakfast!
glamourfae: Caprese salad
glamourfae: Teriyaki salmon and veggies! Yum!
glamourfae: Chicken breast with tomato, mozzarella, and basil salad.