GlacierNPS: westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi)
GlacierNPS: Oar in Water
GlacierNPS: largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus)
GlacierNPS: largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus)
GlacierNPS: North Fork of the Flathead River
GlacierNPS: Fishing the Middlefork
GlacierNPS: Cutthroat
GlacierNPS: Keep Them Wet
GlacierNPS: North Fork of the Flathead River
GlacierNPS: Oars in the River
GlacierNPS: US Forest Service River Ranger rowing on the North Fork of the Flathead River
GlacierNPS: Middle Fork of the Flathead River
GlacierNPS: Westslope Cutthroat Trout
GlacierNPS: Rafting on Middle Fork of the Flathead River
GlacierNPS: Rafting on Middle Fork of the Flathead River
GlacierNPS: DSC04696
GlacierNPS: Stone Fly on North Fork
GlacierNPS: North Fork of the Flathead River
GlacierNPS: DSC04503
GlacierNPS: Cutthroat Trout in Otokomi Lake
GlacierNPS: Pike Skull in St. Mary River
GlacierNPS: Adventitious roots growing from Willow branches in the St. Mary River
GlacierNPS: Black Fly Larvae in the St. Mary River
GlacierNPS: Common Stonefly (Family Perlidae) in St. Mary River
GlacierNPS: North Fork of the Flathead River at the US-Canada Border
GlacierNPS: Common Stonefly in Nyack Creek
GlacierNPS: Cutthroat Trout
GlacierNPS: Snail cruising across a rock in McDonald Creek
GlacierNPS: Northern River Otter (Lontra canadensis)
GlacierNPS: Park Ranger looking for Critters in the Creek