Gerry Kirk:
Leading a retrospective
Gerry Kirk:
The finished city
Gerry Kirk:
Demo / review time
Gerry Kirk:
Gerry Kirk:
Reviewing progress
Gerry Kirk:
Lego game
Gerry Kirk:
Scrum Lego game
Gerry Kirk:
The rest of the crew
Gerry Kirk:
All work and no play...
Gerry Kirk:
Task board for day one
Gerry Kirk:
Iteration task board for Lego game
Gerry Kirk:
Backlog of Agile transition steps
Gerry Kirk:
4 Quadrants of Agile testing
Gerry Kirk:
Fulvio does the Team Estimation Twist
Gerry Kirk:
Smile, this is fun remember?
Gerry Kirk:
Release planning using Team Estimation
Gerry Kirk:
Air Charity project team