gkim: yay!
gkim: Lincoln wins the biggest prize
gkim: DSC08219
gkim: Julie and Shan - lowest scores winners!
gkim: Christa and Brian
gkim: Nash and Steve
gkim: DSC08213
gkim: we are scared of the party poppers
gkim: all smiles
gkim: Mary is scared and horrified
gkim: DSC08203
gkim: DSC08201
gkim: In close competition, everyone needs an edge
gkim: What's this?
gkim: DSC08194
gkim: DSC08193
gkim: DSC08192
gkim: Big and round
gkim: DSC08187
gkim: Looking good
gkim: Julie strikes a pose
gkim: Um, am I posing or saluting?
gkim: Kirk and Julia - good bowlers
gkim: Julie
gkim: Mary
gkim: DSC08176
gkim: In fine form
gkim: Norton and Nash--the high scorer of the night
gkim: Lincoln and team
gkim: Our team