gj2guitars: Michael "Fish" Herring with a green GJ2 Glendora, rehearsing today in LA
gj2guitars: Mr @brianbonds of Florida Georgia Line wielding a two-tone #GJ2 Concorde to match his Mohawk (rad photo by @batmanda024 )
gj2guitars: Smokin hot @brianbonds with his black #GJ2 Concorde at the Florida Georgia Line video shoot for "Stay" #fgl
gj2guitars: Mick Murphy bringing the heavy with Chevy Metal at #LoveRide30 (photo: Jesse Silva @bikereventsmagazine )
gj2guitars: More of Mick Murphy with Chevy Metal at #LoveRide30 (Thanks @bikereventsmagazine for the pics!) #GJ2
gj2guitars: Mick Murphy with #MyRuin conjuring The Sacred Mood on a #GJ2 "Spirit of 79" @slidebar
gj2guitars: Chevy Metal with Mick Murphy on Chilean TV last night playing a GJ2 Glendora
gj2guitars: This Bud's for you, Mick Murphy - #LoveRide #GJ2 (photo: @BikerEventsMagazine Jesse Silva)
gj2guitars: Have a heavy Halloween: put on "Sacred Mood" by @myruinofficial and crank it. Friday #MickMurphy rocks with Chevy Metal!
gj2guitars: My Ruin laying it down at @slidebar
gj2guitars: Guess who's coming to visit the #GJ2 shop?!
gj2guitars: Mick Murphy laughs as Taylor Hawkins ties his shoe during the break in "Everybody Wants Some" at Rock & Roll Pizza 11/1/13
gj2guitars: #MyRuin at the #GJ2 factory: Luciano Ferrea, Tairrie B & Mick Murphy, with Jon Gold and a Concorde in the rough.
gj2guitars: #ChevyMetal is playing Laguna Beach tonight, with the incredible Mick Murphy on #guitar!
gj2guitars: Celebrating birthdays tonight with Grover Jackson and Mick Murphy, along with the Chevy Metal and My Ruin crew!
gj2guitars: Catch Mick Murphy with @myruinofficial tonight! @slidebar #myruin
gj2guitars: See Mick Murphy with #MyRuin this Sunday (8-25) at #Slidebar in Fullerton! Free show! (Here's Mick w/ the #GJ2 Glendora 'Spirit of 79')
gj2guitars: Mick Murphy tearing it up with Chevy Metal (on a GJ2 Glendora #guitar ) as part of the city of Costa Mesa's 60th birthday celebration this weekend.
gj2guitars: "Happy birthday, Mick, from Jon & Grover!"
gj2guitars: Birthday cake for Mick Murphy & Grover Jackson backstage at the Chevy Metal show.
gj2guitars: GJ2's Jon Gold with Rob Marcello
gj2guitars: A big Instawelcome to our friend @tomdumontnd of #NoDoubt!
gj2guitars: Tom Dumont trying out the Red Velvet Glendora at the GJ2 showroom
gj2guitars: Cool shot of Tom rockin it with #Zora at Gibson, night 1 via @TomDumontND @NoDoubt
gj2guitars: Chet & Justin of @3doorsdown reppin' for #GJ2 backstage at Pechanga. (B&W photo by @arminshigh )
gj2guitars: The #GJ2 Arete in action with Chet of @3DoorsDown - Photo: @life_of_a_drifter
gj2guitars: Chet Roberts of 3 Doors Down wielding a new GJ2 Concorde guitar
gj2guitars: Chet with 3 Doors Down flying the GJ2 Concorde in Stockholm, photo by Armin
gj2guitars: Chet launching into the 3 Doors Down show at Pechanga with the #Concorde
gj2guitars: Chet Roberts wailing on a GJ2 #Concorde with #3DoorsDown at Pechanga 8-14-13