giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: poinsettias
giveawayboy: Mrs. Claus with letters for Santa
giveawayboy: Santa
giveawayboy: snowman
giveawayboy: nativity
giveawayboy: nativity
giveawayboy: wise men
giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: poinsettias
giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: Santa with friends, decorative tin
giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: local
giveawayboy: Feast of the Epiphany at Chapel of the Holy Cross
giveawayboy: Feast of the Epiphany at Chapel of the Holy Cross
giveawayboy: Feast of the Epiphany at Chapel of the Holy Cross
giveawayboy: Feast of the Epiphany at Chapel of the Holy Cross
giveawayboy: Feast of the Epiphany at Chapel of the Holy Cross
giveawayboy: Feast of the Epiphany at Chapel of the Holy Cross
giveawayboy: Father Christmas!
giveawayboy: table is set and waiting, food and treats on the way
giveawayboy: Ellen's corner
giveawayboy: Ellen's corner
giveawayboy: our tree
giveawayboy: luminaria
giveawayboy: local