giulia dF: Oxygene
giulia dF: Dragonflies out in the sun
giulia dF: It seems so long ago
giulia dF: Sit and listen
giulia dF: fammi sentire distante
giulia dF: living is easy
giulia dF: strange brew
giulia dF: softly
giulia dF: yo (no) me voy
giulia dF: now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky
giulia dF: Do you think you can tell ?
giulia dF: remember when you were young, you shone like the sun
giulia dF: only the truth
giulia dF: I cheated myself
giulia dF: the shape she came to ESCAPE is forgot
giulia dF: Escher & Jefferson Airplane
giulia dF: It's a delicate line
giulia dF: ri-cicli-amo
giulia dF: house of cards
giulia dF: un martedì di luglio
giulia dF: April come she will
giulia dF: two against one