THREE millions and half thanksall:
Galileo Galilei - Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
T/N - T/S Guglielmo Marconi - Compagnia Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
T/N - T/S Guglielmo Marconi - Compagnia Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Incontro tra le navi AFRICA e OCEANIA - Lloyd Triestino - TRIESTE
THREE millions and half thanksall:
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Motonave <<VICTORIA>> Lloyd Triestino - TRIESTE
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Piroscafo <<CONTE ROSSO>> Lloyd Triestino - TRIESTE
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
Cartolina Lloyd Triestino
THREE millions and half thanksall:
T/N - T/S MARCONI - Lloyd Triestino - Trieste