GirlsWearBlueToo: Beautiful Blue
GirlsWearBlueToo: Clover in crochet
GirlsWearBlueToo: My sweet little Clover
GirlsWearBlueToo: I wish this little cherish middie would tell me her name. I'm quite sure it starts with M but it just isn't coming to me.
GirlsWearBlueToo: Happy dolly mail. My latest middie addition has arrived. #cherishmealways #middieblythe
GirlsWearBlueToo: She is the most photogenic little thing. Thank you for all the M suggestions but she has just revealed her name is Clover.
GirlsWearBlueToo: It's hard to tell from a photo. This yarn is quite rough on my hands to work with but it washes up to such a beautiful soft texture perfect for middies. The light blue dress has been finished and washed.
GirlsWearBlueToo: I made a little long sleeve T with lacy detail collar to wear under this new to me pinafore. I'm really enjoying just hand stitching up a few things for these little dollies with out the pressure on myself to do it as others might expect for sale in my et