girlrobot: Mike eating an indian taco
girlrobot: Fong and Mike in Front of Shield's Date Garden
girlrobot: Date Trees
girlrobot: Minh and Mike at Shield's Date Garden
girlrobot: Kim and Minh in front of Shield's Date Garden
girlrobot: Kim and Minh drinking a date milkshake
girlrobot: Mike's First Date
girlrobot: The Date Movie
girlrobot: Mike and Fong watching the Date movie
girlrobot: Windmills on the roadtrip
girlrobot: More Windmills
girlrobot: Mike and Fong in the car
girlrobot: Kim and Minh in the car
girlrobot: Mike and Fong walking to the volcano
girlrobot: Mike, Fong, and Minh heading back to the car
girlrobot: Kim and Minh at the rim of the volcano
girlrobot: The group in front of the volcano
girlrobot: The rim of the volcano
girlrobot: Minh and Kim in front of the volcano
girlrobot: Volcano in New Mexico
girlrobot: Walking to the rim of the volcano
girlrobot: Mike and Fong PDA!
girlrobot: Rim of the volcano
girlrobot: Tree
girlrobot: I forget the name of this rock....
girlrobot: Tree2
girlrobot: A tree struck by lightening
girlrobot: Kim and Minh
girlrobot: Kim and Minh kim minh
girlrobot: Fong and Mike