wheresaddie: trying out the halls at carnegie mellon
wheresaddie: CMU School of Art and Architecture
wheresaddie: lasersaur build at CMU/ Studio for Creative Inquiry
wheresaddie: lasersaur build at CMU/ Studio for Creative Inquiry
wheresaddie: festival listing
wheresaddie: CMU STUDIO for Creative Inquiry Lasersaur Build
wheresaddie: CMU STUDIO for Creative Inquiry Lasersaur Build during Golans class.
wheresaddie: upcoming work in progress..
wheresaddie: Jeremy Ficca work at dFAB
wheresaddie: Golan Levin, Ali Momeni and the robot arm
wheresaddie: public lecture Friday night, workshop Saturday afternoon
wheresaddie: (more) name dropping..
wheresaddie: Mark Gross art/hack/make mecca..
wheresaddie: Optimization of Parenthood
wheresaddie: BRICKphone like a boss
wheresaddie: BRICKphone fresh off the printer. Not detailed/painted
wheresaddie: BRICKphone like a boss
wheresaddie: BRICKphone like a boss
wheresaddie: BRICKphone like a boss (complete with belt clip)
wheresaddie: BRICKphone like a boss
wheresaddie: Optimization of Parenthood
wheresaddie: speed project brick iphone
wheresaddie: speed project brick iphone
wheresaddie: speed project brick iphone
wheresaddie: pre-lecture
wheresaddie: ultralight flyers with Ben Saks
wheresaddie: ultralight flyers with Ben Saks
wheresaddie: Hacking workshop with Nina from AssmeblePGH
wheresaddie: lasersaur workshop during watsON? Festival
wheresaddie: lasersaur workshop during watsON? Festival