girlhacker: VT100
girlhacker: DEC System 10
girlhacker: DEC System 10
girlhacker: XEROX ALTO - first GUI
girlhacker: XEROX ALTO - with Missile Command
girlhacker: TRS-80
girlhacker: Apple IIc
girlhacker: Commodore 64 - my first computer
girlhacker: Windows 1.0 - never seen it before
girlhacker: Windows 3.0
girlhacker: Newton (Landon was on the Newton team)
girlhacker: Playing King's Quest
girlhacker: Teletype - look closely at the code
girlhacker: Teletype
girlhacker: Ataris
girlhacker: Apple II
girlhacker: Playing Ms Pacman on the Atari 400
girlhacker: Writing BASIC on the TRS-80
girlhacker: The one that started MSFT
girlhacker: Chart of Computer Languages
girlhacker: Punch cards ... my first typing device
girlhacker: Panel o' Lights
girlhacker: Osborne