Az Karen...busy: Paseo Vista Recreation Area
Az Karen...busy: Standing So Proud and Tall
Az Karen...busy: Don't Fence Me In
Az Karen...busy: Plan de l'Aiguille (2300m)
Az Karen...busy: Be still and the earth will speak to you.
Az Karen...busy: Catch a Wave
Az Karen...busy: Apple Orchard Inn
Az Karen...busy: “Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.” ~Ovid
Az Karen...busy: The back of of Palais de l'Isle
Az Karen...busy: The right side of Palais de l'Isle
Az Karen...busy: Red Rock Crossing
Az Karen...busy: Happy Fence Friday...
Az Karen...busy: Happy Thanksgiving
Az Karen...busy: Down By the Seaside
Az Karen...busy: Colors Of The Wind
Az Karen...busy: The Back Roads...