parapluie-revel: touching everyone
parapluie-revel: this charming man
parapluie-revel: you are free to love
parapluie-revel: the sun is mine
parapluie-revel: teaching the words of a teacher
parapluie-revel: that tickles
parapluie-revel: vibrant uhoh
parapluie-revel: wrap me up
parapluie-revel: your guess is good
parapluie-revel: you cant hold me
parapluie-revel: youre not going anywhere
parapluie-revel: winds up just like this
parapluie-revel: where do we go
parapluie-revel: wouldnt you like
parapluie-revel: when you turned out the lights
parapluie-revel: what you and i spoke of
parapluie-revel: trying to remind her
parapluie-revel: tonight im taking the long way
parapluie-revel: to fall from grace
parapluie-revel: three ghosts in lighthouse
parapluie-revel: thought like he'd end up like me
parapluie-revel: this place is a zoo
parapluie-revel: testing the strong ones
parapluie-revel: this is the end
parapluie-revel: this is my deathbed
parapluie-revel: the cool of the evnin
parapluie-revel: these are my confessions
parapluie-revel: theres a storm
parapluie-revel: the futures for discoverin
parapluie-revel: take your tears on ice