~gio~: Gosling
~gio~: Crime and Punishment in Four Acts
~gio~: The 9 to 5 of Marshlife
~gio~: Table Manners
~gio~: Raspberries
~gio~: Afternoon stretch
~gio~: Glossy ibis
~gio~: Great Blue Heron
~gio~: Great Egret
~gio~: Livestream
~gio~: Yellowlegs
~gio~: Sunset Ternhouette
~gio~: Peep piping
~gio~: Skimming along
~gio~: Perched Osprey
~gio~: Red-winged blackbird
~gio~: Skimming in the rain #1
~gio~: Least tern
~gio~: Egret
~gio~: Spicebush Swallowtail
~gio~: Skimming in the rain #2
~gio~: Great blue heron
~gio~: Skimming in the rain #3
~gio~: Double-crested cormorant
~gio~: Black-crowned night heron
~gio~: Family reunion
~gio~: Egret and Mallow