Painted Light Studio: Autumn Lake View - IR
Lior Dar: Infrared - Explored... Thank you all!
Liz Phillips Photography: Infrared Landscape
garyramey: Infrared at Morikami
-TommyTsutsui- [nextBlessing]: Sunset on Cape Koganezaki [Explore]
sugar too: Volos, paralia
sugar too: Antithesis
David Kracht: vivid sky
David Kracht: a cubistic sky
Thomas Hawk: Blind Ambition
danyangel89: National Garden of Athens - a little waterfall....
速水战: Infrared China / Yao Yuan
Aleka Iakovidou: She knows her job very well.....
ZarMcKoopees: DSC09792
helen sotiriadis: scott kelby worldwide photo walk 2013 -- athens
helen sotiriadis: scott kelby worldwide photo walk 2013 -- athens
Aleka Iakovidou: Acropolis Museum_1
ZarMcKoopees: DSC09903
helen sotiriadis: Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk in Athens 2013
ZarMcKoopees: DSC09895
ZarMcKoopees: Meteora
sugar too: Shooting a shadow
Aleka Iakovidou: End of the photo Stavlos
John Sofo: DSC_6192