gin-star: God Bless America...
gin-star: Crawfish before
gin-star: Elvis stood on that x at Sun
gin-star: I may not get there with you
gin-star: Blues
gin-star: Chris takes a shot
gin-star: Chris takes a picture
gin-star: Chris takes another shot
gin-star: The Pyramid
gin-star: Hello Chris
gin-star: Egypt?
gin-star: Tourist
gin-star: picture this
gin-star: cat taking nap
gin-star: that'll make a nice shot
gin-star: Tourist at the cemetery
gin-star: that´s how big the trees are out here
gin-star: Chris´artsy shot in my shot
gin-star: GINA 026
gin-star: Chris looks like he has a tail
gin-star: Taken the perfect shot of the Notre Dame
gin-star: Chris versus El Castillo
gin-star: Skippin´
gin-star: Like little smarties...
gin-star: There it is: the aweful tower
gin-star: Vendors at the Seine
gin-star: Inscent smoke
gin-star: Window
gin-star: Cranes