Ginny Alloway Baker:
Women Ministers Conference in Houston
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Anna Jeanne Price, Beloved friend since I was 10 years old
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Anna Jeanne Price Honoring her mother, Mildred Moore
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Anna Jeanne Price, me, Sally Horton and Fran Lance
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Busch Gardens in St Louis
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Cindy Jacobs with me at the Pastors banquet in Argentina First World Harvest Institute
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Jackie and Sam in Cancun
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Patsy McEntire, Me and Sam Ashcraft in Cancun
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Anna Jeanne Price
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Anna Jeanne Price
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Mildred Moore and Carol Cartwright
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Anna Jeanne Price and her mother Mildred Moore in 1988 Matriarch of the Faith
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Sam Ashcraft, Alysson Best, Jackie Pollock, and Lynn Nelson at WMI in Houston
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Sam Ashcraft, me, Lynn Nelson and Jane Everitt
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Honored as a Matriarch of Women Ministries International, Mildred Moore, of Shreveport La. Life Tabernacle, in 1988. Carol Cartwright, President presenting the honor, with the board in support. Cindy Jacobs, Sally Horton, Jean Krisle in this picture.
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Frances Ward of Houston Texas honored as a Matriarch of the Faith 1988
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Praise and Worship at WMI Houston 1988
Ginny Alloway Baker:
First Houston WMI Conference 1988 Sheraton Crown Hotel
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Lynn Nelson, Treasurer of the area WMI and Sam Ashcraft was Secretary.
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Brian Baker and Mike Brame working for WMI
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Sandra Ashcraft Registrar for the South Texas area WMI conferences
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Eating out after a meeting
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Our bus in Argentina
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Pastors Banquet in Argentina
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Pastors Banquet
Ginny Alloway Baker:
In Line on the Stairs for Pastors Banquet in Argentina
Ginny Alloway Baker:
At the BBQ at Ed Silvosos ranch in Argentina...He hosted this for the First International Harvest Institute
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Ed Silvoso hosted all of us at a BBQ at his ranch in Argentina at the First International Harvest Institute in 1991
Ginny Alloway Baker:
Ed Silvoso at First International Harvest Institute in Buenos Aires Argentina 1991