gingher: seize
gingher: dashboard photography
gingher: sydney aquarium
gingher: Indiana State Fair
gingher: IMG_9121
gingher: Reading Room State Library of Victoria (Melbourne)
gingher: IMG_8947
gingher: Boston Public Library
gingher: girl stares at the ocean
gingher: duplicateduplicateduplicateduplicate
gingher: My favorites
gingher: woman waits on Montreal Metro
gingher: Grande Biblioteque de Quebec
gingher: same tree as sunrise shot
gingher: mission and purpose
gingher: where do these spots come from and how can I get rid of them?
gingher: we're rooting for you, little guy!
gingher: five
gingher: art in unexpected places
gingher: which way do we go?
gingher: Rows
gingher: Another skyline
gingher: Housing and Urban Development a.k.a. "the mothership"
gingher: <---- EXIT
gingher: modern
gingher: never ending cribbage game
gingher: look at that freakin' sky!
gingher: Antietam National Battlefield
gingher: Coney Island Subway Station
gingher: down is the new up.