gingher: Grande Biblioteque de Quebec
gingher: What I had for breakfast.
gingher: 3.365
gingher: mmm.
gingher: These were everywhere
gingher: Montreal 016
gingher: superstar flower
gingher: color BAM!
gingher: stars on the ground
gingher: My favorites
gingher: Irises like Granny's.
gingher: Pink wonders
gingher: Reeds and Home
gingher: Sheet Building
gingher: Oh, Canada
gingher: Have you seen this before?
gingher: Notre-Dame
gingher: floral arangement at Bed and Breakfast
gingher: city-full-of-young-men-with-glasses-riding-bikes-going-to-libraries-sigh
gingher: hey kids
gingher: old in new
gingher: yummy tomatoes
gingher: working in the sky