gingercookie1526: way too early
gingercookie1526: Deauville Hotel
gingercookie1526: the man in his chair
gingercookie1526: damn that pizza was good
gingercookie1526: Miami Ink
gingercookie1526: love the balcony and the shirt!
gingercookie1526: Adam+Margaritas=finger shake
gingercookie1526: Automatic Slim
gingercookie1526: Ozzie guys
gingercookie1526: view from balcony
gingercookie1526: I owe it all to my trainer
gingercookie1526: sweet view
gingercookie1526: nice way to get a tan white boy!
gingercookie1526: lookin good with my vino
gingercookie1526: loving the AC
gingercookie1526: cold medicine
gingercookie1526: which restaurant?
gingercookie1526: which chip?
gingercookie1526: spray sunblock suuucks!