Gina LaRoche: December Creation 2011
Gina LaRoche: Out Bucky's Window
Gina LaRoche: Triptych Alpha
Gina LaRoche: Triptych Beta
Gina LaRoche: December continues
Gina LaRoche: Today's Welcome
Gina LaRoche: Allowing for a green sky
Gina LaRoche: Allowing for a blue sky
Gina LaRoche: A Personal Buddha
Gina LaRoche: Hanging With Kimberly
Gina LaRoche: Triptych Final
Gina LaRoche: on Retreat
Gina LaRoche: A Moment To Pause
Gina LaRoche: a moment to pause
Gina LaRoche: Finding My Ground
Gina LaRoche: My Crafts Moment
Gina LaRoche: Wondering
Gina LaRoche: Wondering Late At Night
Gina LaRoche: Untitled For A Reason
Gina LaRoche: wondering
Gina LaRoche: 2011 Completion
Gina LaRoche: 2011 Macro View
Gina LaRoche: Continuing Journey
Gina LaRoche: 6.24.2003V2
Gina LaRoche: Emma's Masterpiece