gimmesanity: walking the halls
gimmesanity: This reminds me of that Monty Python skit about the very expensive machine that goes "BLIP!"
gimmesanity: At the hospital waiting for the party to get started
gimmesanity: Hanging out in between contractions
gimmesanity: On the birthing ball
gimmesanity: On the birthing ball
gimmesanity: Working through the contractions
gimmesanity: Working through a contraction
gimmesanity: Working through a contraction
gimmesanity: Working through a contraction
gimmesanity: Finally out
gimmesanity: Fresh out of the womb
gimmesanity: Daddy cuts the cord
gimmesanity: Saying hello
gimmesanity: Saying hello
gimmesanity: Saying hello
gimmesanity: Fresh outta the womb
gimmesanity: Just born and still cheesy
gimmesanity: Not so happy
gimmesanity: Mamita and Bean
gimmesanity: Daddy and his Bean
gimmesanity: Midwife Tanksley lends a hand in breastfeeding
gimmesanity: With Kat, our doula
gimmesanity: We did it!
gimmesanity: Daddy and Bean
gimmesanity: Mommy and Bean
gimmesanity: Monkey meets her baby sister
gimmesanity: Monkey meets her baby sister
gimmesanity: Monkey meets her baby sister
gimmesanity: Finally home