gimmesanity: Gifts from Patty
gimmesanity: Spring Things WIP
gimmesanity: sock wip
gimmesanity: DSC05718
gimmesanity: DSC05722
gimmesanity: DSC05301
gimmesanity: DSC05294
gimmesanity: DSC05254
gimmesanity: DSC05241
gimmesanity: DSC05035
gimmesanity: DSC05029
gimmesanity: DSC05027
gimmesanity: DSC05003
gimmesanity: DSC04989
gimmesanity: DSC04993
gimmesanity: The sheep go marching one by one...
gimmesanity: Notions bag from swap. Thanks!
gimmesanity: Spring Things Shawl, still on needles.
gimmesanity: Spring Things Shawl - STILL in WIP stage, but I'm finally in the homestretch.
gimmesanity: Spring Things - III
gimmesanity: Spring Things - V
gimmesanity: Spring Things - VI
gimmesanity: Spring Things - VII
gimmesanity: Spring Things - II
gimmesanity: Spring Things - I
gimmesanity: Spring Things
gimmesanity: Spring Things, all wrapped up
gimmesanity: Pinwheel sweater for Monkey