gillybooze ( David):
ribbon eel
gillybooze ( David):
Nudibranch. aka. sea slug (in Explore)
gillybooze ( David):
gillybooze ( David):
Christmastree worm
gillybooze ( David):
Western Clownfish
gillybooze ( David):
Psuedoceros polycladida
gillybooze ( David):
Pseudoceros ferrugineus (The Fuchsia Flatworm )
gillybooze ( David):
Pyjama slug (marine gastropod)
gillybooze ( David):
Christmastree worm
gillybooze ( David):
yellow box fish
gillybooze ( David):
Notodoris Citrina
gillybooze ( David):
Pseudobiceros bedfordi
gillybooze ( David):
Chromodoris dianae(nudibranch)
gillybooze ( David):
BlueSpotted ray
gillybooze ( David):
Double the trouble
gillybooze ( David):
Halgerda batangas
gillybooze ( David):
Nembrotha cristata (nudibranch/sea slug)
gillybooze ( David):
Sepia latimanus
gillybooze ( David):
Spine-cheek anenomefish
gillybooze ( David):
Amphiprion sandaracinos
gillybooze ( David):
from the reef
gillybooze ( David):
Orangutan crab (Achaeus japonicus)
gillybooze ( David):
Fire shrimp (Lysmata debelius)
gillybooze ( David):
Pseudoceros ferrugineus
gillybooze ( David):
Hypselodoris bullockii
gillybooze ( David):
Sea Pen. (filter feeder)
gillybooze ( David):
Sepia latimanus
gillybooze ( David):
Ribbon eel
gillybooze ( David):
Eyes of a Bluespotted Ray
gillybooze ( David):
Blue spotted ray