crunklygill: leaving the church
crunklygill: and the bride wore trainers
crunklygill: modelling the shoes
crunklygill: Naomi & friends
crunklygill: Naomi in October sunshine
crunklygill: what about the confetti?
crunklygill: bride's mother, sister and bridesmaid
crunklygill: Alison and Martha
crunklygill: Alison, Alex, Naomi, Tony
crunklygill: Naomi & Alex, best man and bridesmaids
crunklygill: tough job, waiting for photos
crunklygill: mr and mrs Foreman-Peck
crunklygill: Alex & Naomi
crunklygill: Alex, Naomi & kiss
crunklygill: Naomi and Alex are mr and mrs
crunklygill: ivy and veil
crunklygill: stepping out together ~ Naomi & Alex
crunklygill: mr and mrs step out
crunklygill: Naomi & Alex emerge from church
crunklygill: old gravestone and ivy
crunklygill: St Nicholas church porch
crunklygill: St Nicholas porch
crunklygill: St Nicholas porch
crunklygill: St Nicholas tower October sky
crunklygill: St Nicholas church - rose hips
crunklygill: Brian helps the experts
crunklygill: Epiphany
crunklygill: Epiphany
crunklygill: Epiphany
crunklygill: Epiphany