gillographic: Tagged
gillographic: Pretty Little Sketchbook
gillographic: Pretty Little Spine Exposed
gillographic: Improved Sigwalt Book
gillographic: Front and Back Covers
gillographic: Stacked
gillographic: Spines
gillographic: Mint & Purple
gillographic: Sink Invitation
gillographic: Pretty Colors!
gillographic: Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen!
gillographic: led linocut in progress
gillographic: Sigwalt Grid Book
gillographic: Sigwalt Grid Book
gillographic: Sigwalt Stickers
gillographic: Pocket Sketchbook
gillographic: pocket sketchbook
gillographic: hand-printed flower pattern notecards
gillographic: Pocket Sketchbook
gillographic: my first broadside
gillographic: the program
gillographic: embossed
gillographic: the save-the-dates
gillographic: bookcloth
gillographic: purple heart stamps
gillographic: Pile o invites
gillographic: tryin' out the new (old) mitre
gillographic: Correspondence from THE TANT
gillographic: IMG_1060
gillographic: Inky Kraft