Gilles 1972: Christmas tree bokeh
Gilles 1972: Christmas ball
Gilles 1972: Lights
Gilles 1972: The tree
Gilles 1972: Sint & Pieten
Gilles 1972: Trodden
Gilles 1972: In heath
Gilles 1972: Keep going on
Gilles 1972: Please help me down
Gilles 1972: Just sitting there
Gilles 1972: Outside, coming from inside
Gilles 1972: Just a trail like so many
Gilles 1972: Fly agaric, Fly!
Gilles 1972: Toadstool
Gilles 1972: Red, with white dots
Gilles 1972: Vliegenzwam
Gilles 1972: Wild raspberry
Gilles 1972: Eaten alive
Gilles 1972: Lumberjack
Gilles 1972: Red hood
Gilles 1972: In the wood
Gilles 1972: Hanekam, Cantharel, Cantharellus cibarius
Gilles 1972: Hot & cold
Gilles 1972: Startrails
Gilles 1972: Down the drain
Gilles 1972: Support
Gilles 1972: Looking away
Gilles 1972: La Remise
Gilles 1972: Vive la France!
Gilles 1972: Domestic dispute