Keith Gillard: Karen's 30th
Keith Gillard: Crawling position
Keith Gillard: I'll eat my hat
Keith Gillard: Trying on Maia's witch hat
Keith Gillard: Preschool Curiosity Club
Keith Gillard: Teacher Katie with bubbles
Keith Gillard: Good pipe cleaner fun
Keith Gillard: Maia loves bubbles
Keith Gillard: With her Science World paint in the bath
Keith Gillard: Looking up to a jack-o-lantern
Keith Gillard: Funny face witch
Keith Gillard: Not wanting her picture taken
Keith Gillard: Sage and Maia Halloween
Keith Gillard: Sage's first Halloween
Keith Gillard: Ready to go out
Keith Gillard: Sage as pumpkin and Keith as Kurt Cobain
Keith Gillard: Pumpkin and dalmation
Keith Gillard: Keith and Jenny show off their boys
Keith Gillard: Thomas as a fruity Cher
Keith Gillard: Bal and Amy on the see-saw
Keith Gillard: Kamal's party group shot
Keith Gillard: Karen and Tara go mall trick-or-treating
Keith Gillard: Taking Sage and Maia trick-or-treating at Metrotown
Keith Gillard: Karen and Sage on Halloween
Keith Gillard: Sage takes Karen trick-or-treating
Keith Gillard: Watch out for that demon
Keith Gillard: Maia enjoys her spoils
Keith Gillard: Maia and Karen meet the inflatable witch
Keith Gillard: Karen and Maia back from trick-or-treating