Keith Gillard: Maia with Monu and Manprit
Keith Gillard: Unknown orange object
Keith Gillard: Feeding Tanvi's doll
Keith Gillard: Camera backwards
Keith Gillard: Tanvi's neighbor
Keith Gillard: Tanvi likes popcorn
Keith Gillard: Sharing popcorn
Keith Gillard: Tanvi and Maia, BFFs
Keith Gillard: Maia and Tanvi
Keith Gillard: Tanvi opening her presents
Keith Gillard: Our card to Tanvi
Keith Gillard: Monu with Maia
Keith Gillard: Reflective balloon
Keith Gillard: Tanvi's first pinata
Keith Gillard: Swinging at Dora
Keith Gillard: Bal helps Maia with the bat
Keith Gillard: Joggin' Dora's noggin
Keith Gillard: Dora decapitated
Keith Gillard: Tanvi's birthday cake
Keith Gillard: Serious about cake
Keith Gillard: Making wishes
Keith Gillard: Practicing piano
Keith Gillard: Happy about her optocus
Keith Gillard: Scream of delight
Keith Gillard: Babe in the wood
Keith Gillard: Silly by a tree
Keith Gillard: Playing fetch
Keith Gillard: Maia Duke and Bal at park
Keith Gillard: Top of the slide