Keith Gillard: Nana reads to Maia
Keith Gillard: Maia climbs to the slide
Keith Gillard: Cute at YVR
Keith Gillard: Maia atop the YVR slide
Keith Gillard: SF Zoo hawk
Keith Gillard: Staring down a goat
Keith Gillard: SF Zoo Rooster
Keith Gillard: Keith feeds the sheep
Keith Gillard: Maia tapes her mouth shut
Keith Gillard: Maia the butterfly
Keith Gillard: Screaming with laughter in a ladybug tent
Keith Gillard: Gillards with flamingos
Keith Gillard: Bal the peacock
Keith Gillard: I am 18 months
Keith Gillard: Playful 18 months
Keith Gillard: Hiking in the back garden
Keith Gillard: Our citrus trees
Keith Gillard: On the potty, 18 months
Keith Gillard: Happy in her Princess tent
Keith Gillard: Tent close-up
Keith Gillard: On the swings in March
Keith Gillard: Captain of the ship
Keith Gillard: Maia through the porthole
Keith Gillard: Crawling on the carousel
Keith Gillard: Atop the slide
Keith Gillard: Mommy and Maia, lunch at Pier 39
Keith Gillard: Mommy is number one
Keith Gillard: Musee Mechanique mannequin
Keith Gillard: Maia challenges Mommy to Pole Position