Keith Gillard: Starting bright and early
Keith Gillard: Breakfast stop
Keith Gillard: Maia bussing tables
Keith Gillard: Walking Duke through gas station
Keith Gillard: Wind farm
Keith Gillard: Maia meets cactus
Keith Gillard: On the breakfast table
Keith Gillard: Dagger rocks
Keith Gillard: Running away at Salt Creek
Keith Gillard: Salt Creek walkway
Keith Gillard: Gillards at Salt Creek
Keith Gillard: Running on the boardwalk
Keith Gillard: Back seat club
Keith Gillard: Snow, but only in the shade
Keith Gillard: Dantes View
Keith Gillard: Death Valley from Dantes View
Keith Gillard: Bal and Maia at Dantes View
Keith Gillard: Gillards at Dantes View
Keith Gillard: Keith and Maia at Dantes View
Keith Gillard: Maia and Daddy coming down the hill
Keith Gillard: Fun at Dantes View
Keith Gillard: Holding hands
Keith Gillard: Death Valley rocks
Keith Gillard: Death Valley hills
Keith Gillard: Folded hills
Keith Gillard: Death Valley visitors
Keith Gillard: Bal takes in the vista
Keith Gillard: Bal and Maia at Badwater
Keith Gillard: 282 feet below sea level
Keith Gillard: Strolling on the salt flats