Keith Gillard: After spaghetti
Keith Gillard: Mommy carries Maia through the park
Keith Gillard: Hand in hand
Keith Gillard: Slow down, Mommy
Keith Gillard: Pick me up, Daddy
Keith Gillard: Maia's new blue car
Keith Gillard: Maia in the driver's seat
Keith Gillard: Wanna ride
Keith Gillard: Red cars are faster
Keith Gillard: Maia discovers the Disney store
Keith Gillard: Dancing to the mall music
Keith Gillard: Despereaux fascination
Keith Gillard: I can't manage to move this ball
Keith Gillard: Selling ice cream
Keith Gillard: Daddy helps her on the bike
Keith Gillard: Fish-faced for sushi
Keith Gillard: Gillards at Sushizono
Keith Gillard: Parading her new dandelion
Keith Gillard: Where did it go
Keith Gillard: Maia meets geese
Keith Gillard: Daddy and Maia at the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo
Keith Gillard: Enjoying the zoo
Keith Gillard: Cozy behind Daddy's knees
Keith Gillard: She fell on her nose
Keith Gillard: Pinching Daddy
Keith Gillard: Duke, come a little closer
Keith Gillard: Typing lessons
Keith Gillard: Suzy and the sweater she crocheted for Maia
Keith Gillard: Can we please get going
Keith Gillard: Maia likes boys